
BundleOfReeds.com is a project of the ARI Institute which aims to teach and share knowledge about the role of the Jewish people, and raise awareness about the causes of anti-Semitism as a means to reverse the trend of anti-Semitic crimes and threats.



The Features section hosts Internet versions of booklets that are published and distributed in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and Israel.



The Opinion section hosts articles are syndicated from Dr. Michael Laitman’s regular blog posts in the Jerusalem Post,  The Times of Israel and occasional other releases in The New York Times, and other publications.



The Quotes section features shareable quote posters based on key quotes from the materials that can spark particular insight, inspiration or base a discussion.



The Video section is host to the Like a Bundle of Reeds TV series, which is originally broadcast on JLTV based on the book of the same title.


Online Course

The online course – What Does It Mean to be Jewish Today? – aims to provide more depth and time to delve into the unique messages that Like a Bundle of Reeds expresses, and provides a platform for asking questions, getting answers, undergoing a learning process, and providing the opportunity to enter a community interested in these topics.

The course’s lesson outline is based on the chapters of the book Like A Bundle of Reeds: Why Unity and Mutual Guarantee Are Today’s Call of the Hour, and provides a place for which the book’s ideas and messages can take on a practical context in your life.

Like A Bundle of Reeds
1057 Steeles Avenue West
Suite 532 Toronto, ON M2R 3X1